Growing up – is it so easy?


All the living things are born and die at the end. In between those two events, a living creature always grows up, constantly. There is a very strong physical and even mental balance in this growing up. When there is something wrong, it could be life threatening. Let us look at some rare cases, were for some medical condition, human could not grow up normally. It would make you realize how lucky we are to have the ability to grow up.

Teenager trapped in a toddler’s body

A 19 years old girl from Bangalore, India is trapped in a body of 2 years old child. Her weight is just 12 KG and height is only 76.2 CM. She can not sit because her head is too heavy when compared with her body. A most simple daily work is too difficult for her. She can only lift something like a tea cup. Her mother have to take care of her, full time. This girl, Girija Srinivas suffers from a extremely rare medical condition called congenital a genesis of the bones. Although physically challenged, she doesn’t like people pity her. She is good at painting and even earn money out of that. She dreams to become famous, not for her medical condition, but for her art.

Teenager trapped in a young girl’s body

This case is comparatively easier and have hope of cure. Poppy Web-Jones has a very rare condition called panhypopituitarism, which means she was born without hormones. This means Poppy, now 17, is still trapped within her 10-year-old body and hasn’t gone through puberty like other teenage girls. While her friends are interested in boys and makeup, Poppy still likes to play with toys and dolls. She is currently undergoing treatment, which the hope she will help her catch up to her peers.

Old man trapped in a boys body

This 42 years old man is trapped in a 14 years old boys body. The doctors tried to cure but he refused that for some reason. Mario Bosco also suffers from panhypopituitarism, but he says he is happy the way he is. The 4’10”, 42-year-old man still looks like he is 14 and has used it to his advantage. He works as an actor and child stand-in for many movies and television shows and even wrote a book called “From Hopeless to Hollywood.” Mario says he was offered hormone treatments to help him develop, but refused them because he thought they might adversely affect his career.

Young boy trapped in old man’s body

This is the most extreme and fatal case which is opposite of panhypopituitarism. It is a rare disease known as progeria, where a person ages eight times the normal rate. Progeria has turned Franco Villavicenci, who is just four years old, into an old man before his time. Although he looks elderly, he still has the mind of a young child, but sadly, will likely die of a heart attack before he becomes a teenager. There are only 74 known cases of progeria in the world.

Video : Be happy easily

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